Motive | Teen Ink


April 25, 2016
By EllieR BRONZE, Falmouth, Maine
EllieR BRONZE, Falmouth, Maine
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People I know do not want to lend a hand,

they say they will help out but never do.
Instead they pretend to take a forward stand,
But never make their promises come true.


When they are asked for a simple favor,
They smile and say alright.
But in reality they’re not the saver,
They just want to win this fight.


People look at everything as competition,
They push other people down to ensure their win.
Beating everyone else is their only mission,
To do this it doesn’t matter how they sin.


But I try not to be this way,
Not to only give people only the help they earn.
I give my honest say,
Even when I get nothing in return.


For I believe that a better win will come,
as the leader of a strong army,
rather than the enemy of a weak one.

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