I am a Fighter | Teen Ink

I am a Fighter

May 9, 2016
By AvaGenevieve BRONZE, Midland, Michigan
AvaGenevieve BRONZE, Midland, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

I am a fighter

Slugger’s my name
I earned it too
I’ve turned a guy’s face from white to red
And I’ll do the same to you

Don’t hurt my friend, it will be your end
Touch family? You’ll be in agony
And the worst you could do would probably be
Messing with me

Us fighters won’t murder
We’re not that unkind
We go for the body, but we kill the mind
For you are the loser and you’re at a loss
A disgrace to all mankind

I’ve fought a snob
I’ve fought a slob
An adult heart throb
‘Cause that’s my job

But there is one thing that all fighters hide
And that’s their big heart, deep down inside
We clench fists and teeth, but we have all cried
And that’s what makes us fight

So we can fight if you insist
I’ll grind my teeth and clench my fist
I’ll break your courage and also your wrist
Your cruel heart won’t exist

I am a fighter
Slugger’s my name
I earned it too
I’ve turned a guy’s face from white to red
And I’ll do the same to you

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