The Edge | Teen Ink

The Edge

May 27, 2016
By SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It’s because I will smack you in the face.
It’s because I will smack your heart.
Right now.

Always I’ve been feeling like I am an eraser in your presence.
All my good deeds, you erase.
One mistake, you highlight with a neon color, and make me a
Bad person.

My success is your sorrow.
My sorrow is your success.
You see rain clouds in my sky,
I see your open smile.

I tell you to stop, because I feel
But, your answer is simple like a stick:
“Then don’t hang out with us.”


Your words drive me towards the edge.
I am standing at the edge on my tiptoe.

Your forged smile enlightens other, and my solitude makes others wonder about me:
“Why is she like that? Why is she alone? She is so weird...”

I am standing at the edge on my tiptoe.
Your evil smile is waiting me to fall.
And your feigned innocence is ready to shout: “I have no guilt.”
And turn around.

You are a devil.
You are so evil.
Why do I have to be your graceful target?
Why do you have to have a target?
Can’t you just leave me

You are actually powerful.

You opened up waterfall in my eyes.
You made me seek solitude at a greater altitude.
You made me skip school easily like I skip in my playground.
You pushed me,
You push me,
with a great
You push me,
You push me,
You push me,
And I scream but you push me,
I tell you to stop, but you push me,
You push me,
You push me,
You push me,
You push me,
and that’s how I am at the

I have no guts to say
“Ok, I won’t hang out with you.”

But, let me tell you.
I am at the edge, but I won’t fall down.
Not because I have wings.
Not because I will rise.
Not because I have no demise.
Not because I am wise.

It’s because I will smack you in the face.
It’s because I will smack your heart.
Right now.

The author's comments:

This poem is about bullying.

Sometimes, your close friends, or those who pretend to be your friends are your bullies. If such thing happens, we all should learn how to help each other and speak up.

Don't be alone. Don't be treated like that.

You don't deserve to be there at the edge at all.

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