Two Voices | Teen Ink

Two Voices

May 27, 2016
By 7engelking GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
7engelking GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

30 minutes late.
Devlin screamed, “Drive faster, who cares.”
20 over the speed.
Angela echoed, “Slow down! Better late than sorry.”
Brakes to gas. Brakes to gas.
Not knowing who to trust,
who has my better interest,
or who will make it better.

Red and blue glowing lights,
accompanied by the familiar noise.
“Lie, say you didn’t know.”
“Apologise, always tell the truth.”

Fingers tapping on glass.
Rolling down my window.
Lump in my throat making it impossible to breath.
“Do you know why you are here?”
Eyes rise and face the man.
Sweaty palms and trembling teeth.
Deep breath in,
“I- um…”

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