I am a Jaguar | Teen Ink

I am a Jaguar

May 26, 2016
By Cpt.Kirk SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Cpt.Kirk SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the majestic jaguar patrols the forests of South America it knows the next thing it sees will be its prey.  It walks with a swagger as if to taunt all of the other animals in the jungle.  He continues to walk until it finds its prey then it leaps and bounds through the forest until it catches up with its prey and gets to eat.  After he eats his prey he goes and lays down for a long nap because he knows he deserves it.
This is just like the day in the life of Mark Kirk. As the wild Kirk patrols the hallways of Arrowhead waiting for lunch time. He walks with a swagger as if to taunt all of the other kids in the school.  He continues to taunt kids until he hears the bell for lunch.  Then he pushes and shoves smaller kids out of his way to get his food.  And after he eats lunch he lays down in his next class and takes a nap because he knows he shouldn't.
As you can see both of the majestic animals live similar lives.  Because both of them just want food and they are not afraid to use their physical dominance to get it.  But once they get there food there isn't much that can stop them from taking a nap.  Expect maybe a bear and probably a test.

The author's comments:

Its cool and fun. 

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