1 hungry team | Teen Ink

1 hungry team

May 26, 2016
By AHSUWO1620 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
AHSUWO1620 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who embrace me. I am the only one who embrace them. One hungry team with hungry mindsets and unfinished business like myself. 1 never says “I” here and says “you” here. 1 mutual goal seared in our head. From our ears, we can’t hear them, but Wisconsin high school baseball networks keep sending rankings and we don’t focus on those things.
Our strength is hunger. We send loaded talent to the field. We switched to spring hated and they hate more for having the talent within our baseball team and chirp at you with constant hatred and never stop their hating. This is only added motivation.
Let us forget their reason for hating, they’re as scared as a helpless child, us with our talent and more hunger. Stop, stop, stop they say when we win. We’re hungry.
When we are very successful and too focused to not listen, when we are a state champion against so many haters, then it is we smile and wave. When there is nothing left to talk at us about. 1 who persevered despite hatred. 1 who gives and doesn’t take for himself. 1 whose only reason is to eat or starve.

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