Everything changes, but nothing changes | Teen Ink

Everything changes, but nothing changes

June 14, 2016
By SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

We live in a world of trends and patterns.
As time marches, everything seems to change.

When I look at the photos of people 30 years ago, I automatically think:
“That makeup looks so weird and really outdated.”
“Did they really dress like that?”
“No cellphone? Mom, how did you communicate with your friends?”

Time goes by, nature develops.
People develop and mature.
Life seems to be a straight line, that never comes Back.
It perpetually changes,
Without any repetition.

On the other hand, everything changes but nothing changes.
There is something that has been touching people since a long time ago.
Shakespeare’s plays were written more than four hundred years ago.
But why do we still read them?
Are they outdated?

But Shakespeare’s plays are classics.
Like Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice.
And Tolstoy’s War and Peace.
They have been loved for more than centuries.
That love doesn’t change or
Fade away.
That love does not
That love is

A lot of people ask themselves: “How can I be successful?”

If they don’t want a fleeting illumination,
they should not chase after
Shooting stars.

What they should look for is something that Stays, like classics.

Because, everything changes but nothing changes.

The author's comments:

• I wrote this poem because I was inspired by the quote by fashion brand HERMES.

Also I was inspired by the book called "8 words" by Oonghyun Park. 

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