Five year cheddar cheese | Teen Ink

Five year cheddar cheese

October 18, 2016
By Kami.Peterson SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Kami.Peterson SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Early morning,
grocery store.
At the first stop,
I look in dairy,
and find cheddar.
Five sharp years old.
Old equals bold,
I take it home
Put in kitchen,
unload the bag.
I unwrap it,
place on the plate.
Cut into chunks,
Mom picks red wine.
Dad slowly pours,
Mom bites, then sips.
Dad bites then sips,
I bite then chew
tasting crystals,
and bold flavor.
All chunks vanish.
Leftovers flake.
Five sharp years old.
Simply tasty.
Early morning,
grocery store:
Best time to get
aged cheddar cheese.

The author's comments:

Poem about aged cheddar cheese

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