Dream | Teen Ink


November 15, 2016
By brittnaybell BRONZE, Belrin, Wisconsin
brittnaybell BRONZE, Belrin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dreams taking over my life
I’ve always thought about living in the ocean
Being able to breathe underwater

Swimming for miles with the dolphins.
Riding the mountains on a black and brown quarter horse on a 75 degree day.
The stars are bright as I try to block them out

Feeling freedom instead of the darkness
I wouldn’t argue
I couldn’t miss the opportunity
I shouldn’t have so much hope. 

The author's comments:

When there is a good dream you never want to wake up from it.

It inspired me to write this poem because in dreams, you're free todo what you choose and don't have to face consequences by doing what you're doing in your head. 

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