Hard Work | Teen Ink

Hard Work

December 13, 2016
By Kat8899 BRONZE, Foristell, Missouri
Kat8899 BRONZE, Foristell, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Long nights,
Of hard work.
I’ve put my best foot forward,
Striding into my future.

I’ve cancelled plans,
Missed meals,
And gone without sleep,
But man this feeling.
It’s one you can’t beat

They say they’re proud.
I’ve really turned my life around.
From frequent absences,
Missing assignments,
And constant tardy’s.

All my Blood,
All that Sweat,
And All those Tears
Over the years.
None going to waste,
They motivated me to win this race.

The author's comments:

I struggled in school a lot when I was younger. I kind of gave up in middle school, but I really turned my act around my second semester of freshman year. I want people to know that, you can do it. It's hard and there's a lot of work that goes into it, but you can better yourself and you can be that person that goes above and beyond. 

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