They Don't Matter | Teen Ink

They Don't Matter

January 11, 2017
By archangel3214 BRONZE, League City, Texas
archangel3214 BRONZE, League City, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The [world] is easy to see in black and white, but gray? I don't know what to do with gray."

Forget what was done in the past
Who hurt you stopped mattering a long time ago

Look to the future

Find who will build you
And teach you what you never knew

Forget who fed you lies
They never needed you

Think harder

Be truthful and receive the truth
Don’t feel betrayed when you’ve moved on

Your past doesn’t define you
Who you were isn’t you now

Become who you want to be

Those that matter will support you
Be loved for who you are

Forgive if you must
Forget what you can

Aim higher

Be who you want
Not who they expect

Keep Fighting

You are amazing
And they can’t stand it

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