I Cut My Bangs | Teen Ink

I Cut My Bangs

April 3, 2017
By rachelwilson03 BRONZE, Crosby, Texas
rachelwilson03 BRONZE, Crosby, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I Love You
The shortest lie I've ever heard

I cut my bangs
On Saturday
I just wanted something to change
All because nothing's changed
My Mother is still controlling my every move
My Father is betting on me messing up in life
My Brother hates me
My 'Husband' can't she the hidden side of me
Because I'm sheltered by the belief of whom I might be
Thus I brought upon myself
I just love
To shelter myself from the people I genuinely care about
I cut my bangs
To make a change
And nobody knew
Nobody pointed it out
To them I'm the same old me
But that's not the real me
And it's so sad for me
To be thinking
"Nobody pays attention,"
"Nobody cares."
Someone does,
But still,
Somebody doesn't
It is what it is

The author's comments:

I wrote this in English because I told my friend, " Look I cut my bangs!" Yet she didn't care she told me something along the lines of it still looks the same. Trust me if you cut a bag full of hair off of your head it shouldn't look the same.

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This article has 1 comment.

JanaN SILVER said...
on Apr. 11 2017 at 1:13 pm
JanaN SILVER, Fort Kent, Maine
7 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A sunflower can never be a rose, and a rose can never be a sunflower." -Miranda Kerr

I love this. So much.