The Grass will get Greener | Teen Ink

The Grass will get Greener

April 26, 2017
By Cooperpeterson2 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Cooperpeterson2 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When it’s cloudy
And you’ve had a bad day
If the rain doesn’t seem to be stopping
The grass will get greener

When the snow clears,
The grass is brown
You may be feeling a little down
The grass will get greener

You always have to bounce back,
And you will always have to know
When the road gets a little bumpy,
The grass will get greener

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem the day after a wrestling match that I should've won. I got a rematch the next week in sections and I won. I hope that people can relate to this when they are having a bad day, and it can make them feel better.

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