Communities | Teen Ink


April 26, 2017
By WoahFangirling GOLD, Norfolk, Virginia
WoahFangirling GOLD, Norfolk, Virginia
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

growing up, i knew i would never

be as beautiful as the others, 

i knew i would never attract people

like the others did.


i knew that i could never be pretty.

everyone around me knew it, too

my family, my friends,

my classmates, my teachers


i knew that i would always be different.

my face never had the traditionally attractive look,

my body was never a traditionally attractive shape

with my curves hugging me in all the wrong places


i knew that society would never accept me.

it didnt take much to notice the way

our communities treated those that

were the slightest bit different,

seeing the way they stared and the hushed tones when i walked by


i knew from a young age that life would be rough

but i never imagined

just how cruel

being alive could be to those

who longed to be


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