La Chica Blanca | Teen Ink

La Chica Blanca

July 17, 2017
By Bella_T BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Bella_T BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Bella
Short for Isabella
A white nickname
With a Spanish background

I speak Spanish
With an American voice
Mexican by chance
American by choice

I love salad
Not enchiladas
But at my birthdays
I always had piñatas

I answer Hispanic
When people ask my race
But when they know my personality
They say I'm a disgrace

Even though I didn't group up with the culture
Even though I never had Mexican influence
I am still a Mexican
It doesn't make a difference

I'm a Starbucks lover
I shop until I drop for fun
I'm your typical white girl
But that will never change where I'm from

The author's comments:

I wrote this'll, because I wanted to express who I felt about my heritage and who I am as Ann individual. I may not be your traditional Latina, but I still consider myself a Latina. I grew up with an American mother, and a Hispanic father, so even though I was Mexican, I mostly grew up with Ann American influence. I wouldn't sometimes but jucdged by other on the way i acted compared to the way other people with my race acted, but I will not have my race define me.

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