Dear Dad | Teen Ink

Dear Dad

December 1, 2017
By haileytschultz924 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
haileytschultz924 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Thank you for proving to me that family isn't actually family,
And they don't alway have your back.
Thank you for being the first person to break my heart,
When you were the one supposed to keep it together
Thank you for never believing in me,
And constantly putting me down behind my back,
Thank you for showing me what addiction is,
So I don't ever have to deal with what you've dealt with
Thank you for being so hurtful,
Because I finally figured out when to walk away
Thank you for messing with my head
And making me blind to everything you were doing wrong
Thank you for all of the mistakes you've made,
Because now I know the real you.
Thank you for letting me grow up without a father,
I know how to live independently.
Thank you for forcing me to go your “bar runs”
And realizing you're a liar
Thank you for making your wife believe all of your lies
I now know how a liar sounds
Thank you for never trying to get close to me again
Now I know that once something is broken it can't be fixed
Thank you for forcing me to go along everywhere
Just so your wife would think we weren't going to a bar
Thank you for letting my mother take full responsibility over me
Now I believe I can be a single parent if I need to.
Dear Dad, thank you
For destroying my sense of imagination, breaking my trust with men, and
Making me hate alcohol.

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