Studying | Teen Ink


December 1, 2017
By haileytschultz924 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
haileytschultz924 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wanting to win in life is definitely a wide struggle,
You stay up till 2am studying for a stupid test,
While touching your pencil you begin cringe.
The thoughts in your head are crashing around like a hurricane
The dark silence creeps throughout the house
You get distracted by the weeping willow tree that looks like it's giving up
You close the blinds and your mind finds itself.
You begin to stare into your paper, and your sight begins to disintegrate
You begin to dream of a nice warm summer day walking along the beach
You slowly come out of the homework coma you had fallen into
Believing you were finished with studying
You hear the loud grandfather's clock down stairs, you check the time
Stressing out over not being able to get any sleep, you get a midnight snack,
You begin to come downstairs, you get a whiff of the overwhelming pine scentsy cube
You grab a granola bar that's overly dry and hard to eat
You take several laps around the kitchen to try to get your brain working,
Walking up the stairs, the thought of studying is killing you
You want to exceed
You want to proceed
You want to succeed

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