Uncomfortable | Teen Ink


December 8, 2017
By Vinline SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Vinline SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The only thing that makes me feel alive
Biking in the darkness with my closest friend in the world against the unrelenting wind
Stepping over countless stones on a sunny day to eventually reach the top
Wandering through the woods on a silent winter day, hoping the frozen stream doesn’t crack
Breaking me out of the safe cycle that is being comfortable
The cycle that slowly allows life to slip by as I sit and stare
Stalling for a day that will never arrive
I want to stray off the set path
I want to take risks
I want to explore the world around me even if it hurts
Even if it’s uncomfortable
Because hungry, cold, or tired is better than stuck
And I know there’s a difference between thinking and doing
But I’m still standing here, wondering if I’ve missed out on a life I would’ve loved


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