Someone Like Me | Teen Ink

Someone Like Me

May 17, 2018
By Jacquline_walker20 BRONZE, New Castle , Colorado
Jacquline_walker20 BRONZE, New Castle , Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You feel alone
You keep to yourself
Keep your head down

You don’t want to be seen
Because he saw you
And that’s how he broke you

You blend in
You try to forget
You try everything
You still can’t
You feel broken
You feel used

You live in a lasting state of blue
I know how you feel
I feel it too
Because the same boy her hurt me
Shattered you

And now you have to live with that forever
The weight on your chest
I know
I have my own
But I can help you lift

The author's comments:

We, as women, often tend to focus the majority or our anger and resentment on eachother. It is time for us to band together and support eachother as a community. An important part of this is looking at the situation and really considering other people's perspectives. 

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