Traditional Summer Feelings | Teen Ink

Traditional Summer Feelings

May 29, 2018
By Will_Handwerk BRONZE, Harleysville , Pennsylvania
Will_Handwerk BRONZE, Harleysville , Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The warm of the summer day
Has stretched all over town
Not a cloud is in sight
Except for the one flying by
That won’t spare
Even a drop of shade
Rays of the sun
Gently touch my skin
Yet its heat fills me
With an indescribable state of calmness
The only sound in the air
Is the sound water
Gently bobbing
Up against the bank of the river
And the shuffling of sand below my feet against the red dirt path
I bathe in the warmth of summer
Until the last leaves of the trees
Are tossed into the wind and to be buried under the
Cold depths of snow

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