It's Time | Teen Ink

It's Time

September 23, 2009
By Lil_bear BRONZE, Murrieta, California
Lil_bear BRONZE, Murrieta, California
2 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me."
-C. S. Lewis

Come, faithful one
Dont' be afraid
Says the Lord God Almighty
For you He made.

My child, my dear child
I've been expecting you
For in this this, eternal life
A treasure waits, all brand new.

Just think! A sparkling treasure
Pure perfection and bliss
No sickness, hate or tears
Nothing amiss...

And of course! The most glorious,
Breathtaking treasure of all
Being in the presence of our Father
King of Kings, Defending Wall.

Worshipping, praising
And loving Him forevermore
His deep, passionate love for all
Gives us life, let's us soar.

And every believer on this earth
Awaits with excitement for that day
When they finally confront the great I AM
For they know they chose the right pathway.

And now, I will tell you
With absolutely no fear
You are loved with the most cherished love
Especially down here.

But what's that?-Oh! I say with joy
That God is calling you!
You'll always be with us in our hearts
So don't worry, we'll see you soon!

The author's comments:
This poem is dedicated to a special relative who has passed away.

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