Memories of Old Thoughts | Teen Ink

Memories of Old Thoughts

November 13, 2015
By Anonymous

I have done bad things,
But I have done good things.
I was once a good teen,
But now I am the worst of teens.

I just wanted to die.
I didn’t want to tell another lie.
Everything I did was bad.
I felt that I must be mad.

I did drugs to get away,
But the memories wouldn’t stay away.
I felt there wasn’t much to live for.
I just wanted to die.
I knew I couldn’t survive.
Suicide was the only solution before.

But then it all turned around.
I finally had my rebound.
Then I stopped, and I cried,
Because I realized I would survive.

The author's comments:

This was all that I felt about a year ago. I thought there wasnt any hope. Then there was finally my break and it all turned around.

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