This Road | Teen Ink

This Road

September 20, 2009
By SaintJamesHallow PLATINUM, Sequim, Washington
SaintJamesHallow PLATINUM, Sequim, Washington
26 articles 1 photo 12 comments

I wake up every morning
my hair in tangles
bags from the night before
pull the curtains and squint at the light
thinking about our fight
can't remember what it was about
honestly don't care
i comb my hair real quick
and hit the door on the way out

well im walking on this road
watching things pass left and right
my friends
my family
my love
my life
then i stop and stand in the middle
will someone please hit me?
wake me from this dream?
Or just kill me now
put me out of this pain
of watching the memories
all along this road

i gasp my can of cola
and break it up with a flip
walking down the street
talking to my shadow along the way
cross the road with out a glance
almost hit by a honda
they honk and i flip them off
i didn't care that i almost died
or that they saved my life
just keep sipping from my can
continue walking through all the people of this city

well im walking on this road
watching things pass left and right
my friends
my family
my love
my life
then i stop and stand in the middle
will someone please hit me?
wake me from this dream?
Or just kill me now
put me out of this pain
of watching the memories
all along this road

at a local cafe i stare into space
i should know who i am by now
but lately i have no clue
days fly by and nothing from them
just drunken nights
and loveless fights
i pay for my coffee and disappear in the crowd

on my way home
to talk to the only person i ever loved
i run into an old friend
she says "hey, hold on and grab some coffee with me"
i say "i'm sorry sweetie, i have to talk to someone back home"
Nonsense she says and drags me back into the cafe
many cups later the girl walks by
glances in the window
i catch her eyes
dripping with hurt all around
i scream her name as she finds her way
through the endless crowd

well im walking on this road
watching things pass left and right
my friends
my family
my love
my life
then i stop and stand in the middle
will someone please hit me?
wake me from this dream?
Or just kill me now
put me out of this pain
of watching the memories
all along this road

place my key in the door
and i just know somethings not right
it creeks open
and i see nothing
but my table from college
and an old chair from my child days
toss my keys on the table
wash my face in the bathroom
look up and see the note
reading "No more, Goodbye"
note in hand i fall to the floor
babe im sorry
talking to it like she was in front of me

i grab my overcoat and walk down the street
i'm gonna turn it all around
she's everything to me
well days go by and i give up hope
i run into her in that lil old cafe
and i grab her by the shoulders
look her in the eyes
and say Baby come back home
she stares blankly
before saying
"Boy, been through alot with you
first i ever said i love you too
but lately you're not who you been these past years
and until you find who you are
boy i don't know you
let alone love you."
she breezes past me and out the door
and although my hearts in two
i know she's right

well im walking on this road
watching things pass left and right
my friends
my family
my love
my life
then i stop and stand in the middle
will someone please hit me?
wake me from this dream?
Or just kill me now
put me out of this pain
of watching the memories
all along this road
along this road
this road...

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This article has 18 comments.

on Jan. 20 2015 at 4:25 am
Hulagirl808 BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything in between can be dealt with. " - Michael Jackson(King Of Pop)

AWESOME SONG. SOMEONE SHOULD SING IT. I really like it, its cool. you should write more.

CountryProud said...
on Nov. 4 2013 at 12:53 pm
CountryProud, Montpelier, Indiana
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
im a country music listenin dirt road ridin camo wearin southern sassin country girl :)

this was an amazing song i loved it you are great!!!!

on Feb. 20 2013 at 12:32 pm
DaphneeBee143 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
Keep Calm and may the odds be ever in your favor

it was an amazing song.. i felt your pain and felt as though i saw everything you did.. i wanted to comfort you.. great job

on Feb. 29 2012 at 4:10 pm
MysteryLover BRONZE, Germansville, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
I ove your song. Its awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on May. 30 2011 at 8:19 am
sportsycrystal GOLD, New Fairfield, Connecticut
12 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and it has made all the difference." ---Robert Frost

you really did a great job on this!! it's really easy to relate to

TNT25 SILVER said...
on Mar. 25 2011 at 9:20 pm
TNT25 SILVER, Johnstown, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Pain is just weakness leaving the body"

Really liked this alot, true it was a bit long, but sometimes good songs are long, that's just the way they are. Loved it.

on Feb. 5 2011 at 9:02 am
KrsytalnBlake14 BRONZE, Vinemont, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
Our love grows stronger every lifetime that passes us through.. (:

I like this alot, totally so wonderful:)

on Dec. 15 2010 at 5:58 pm
sillygirl880 BRONZE, Spring Grove, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:

WOW i have never read things that i have read like that befoere  that was amazing work keep it up


on Dec. 5 2010 at 4:37 pm
EvaDushaneSullivan GOLD, Medina, Minnesota
11 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
Salvador Dali
\"Do not fear mistakes - there are none\"

this is really good!! good job. how do you vote on people's stuff i couldn't figure it out

on Oct. 25 2010 at 5:55 pm
SaintJamesHallow PLATINUM, Sequim, Washington
26 articles 1 photo 12 comments
Haha, I don't really have any tunes to my songs but maybe for Dear ol' Friend which is an acoustic type of song. As for being my biggest fan, you should make sure I get well known especially in my newer works. =]

inlove44 said...
on Oct. 25 2010 at 3:32 pm
I love this song. What tune is it to? please reply-am like ur biggest fan!

on Sep. 26 2010 at 8:36 pm
SaintJamesHallow PLATINUM, Sequim, Washington
26 articles 1 photo 12 comments
Thanks for the imput :} and please read some of my more recent enteries, those are my best.

on Sep. 26 2010 at 8:30 pm
SaintJamesHallow PLATINUM, Sequim, Washington
26 articles 1 photo 12 comments
Thanks for the imput :} and please read some of my more recent enteries, those are my best.

on Sep. 24 2010 at 2:48 pm
tashababi SILVER, Aurora, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
only the stong survive in a world of heartbrake and lies

i can so relate pluse you had real good imagry i didnt even notice how long it was till i was done reaing it i started scrolling up : ) i love this comment back please!!!!

on May. 5 2010 at 6:05 pm
Emma.H.96 DIAMOND, Kalamazoo, Michigan
65 articles 0 photos 67 comments

Favorite Quote:
You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should've behaved better. -Anne Lamott, from Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life.

Um, I think it might have been a little too long for my liking and I think the death was a little odd according to the beggining of the song, I would also advise not going into detail so much. The lyrics would be alot better if it was just a rough storyline with some underlaying things of all the details that happened!

on Mar. 24 2010 at 7:04 am
Bella913 SILVER, New City, New York
5 articles 0 photos 30 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Death is easy, living is harder."

WELL I think its amazing. it may be long but hey, things happen. you used great descriptiong and it was just awesome. keep writing<3

BriiF PLATINUM said...
on Feb. 16 2010 at 12:54 pm
BriiF PLATINUM, Akeley, Minnesota
25 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"He who spends time regretting the past loses the present and risks the future." ~Francisco de Quevedo "You shall love your crooked neighbor with your crooked heart." ~W.H. Auden

I thought that it really was very good, and there was a lot of good imagery. It would be really awesome if you put it to music. I DID think it got a little bit long.

dfcgbhdfvg said...
on Sep. 29 2009 at 1:33 pm
It was a good start the part of constantly wanting to die was kind of wierd