It's Not The Same | Teen Ink

It's Not The Same

November 16, 2009
By SaintJamesHallow PLATINUM, Sequim, Washington
SaintJamesHallow PLATINUM, Sequim, Washington
26 articles 1 photo 12 comments

I find it funny
that the one who hurt me the most
is the one I can't stay away from
A non-perverted Sadomasochist
I chase to get hurt
To feel the fire in my chest
and the immediate rush of cold water
from you putting it out
I'll do it over and over again
even if the fire is all I ever loved

I've jumped from girl to girl
week after week
trying to make you see
trying to make you look at me
for the slight chance you'll miss those old memories
times we had
chances we missed
talks we shared
even that nap we took on the sofa
I could walk away
quit this game we play
get with the best girl i could
make it work
but dear
it's not the same without you

Without you here
in my arms
curled up
I'll protect you
We're one of the same
so different yet so perfect
in so many ways
Without you here....
It's just not the same

Within the one year i've know you
I can personally count out endless laughs
perfect insults
lovers sword fighting in the night
to tangle the swords and kiss
under the moonlight

Here we are again
facing our same old problems
look at our scars
their identical
its scary and yet so amazing
look into my eyes
they tell no lies

my tongue is tainted
with the poisonous words
"I'm Alright"
any other girl would take the venom
shoot it like whiskey
it's effect like rum
and their tongues burn
you know the trick
and grin as you whole the shot high
and slam it to the table

Without you here
in my arms
curled up
I'll protect you
We're one of the same
so different yet so perfect
in so many ways
Without you here....
It's just not the same

Not the same at all....

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 15 2011 at 6:54 pm
secrets_of_silence GOLD, Gisborne, Other
12 articles 0 photos 439 comments

Favorite Quote:
life had i loved the more
had it but passed away
as quietly as the day
ebbs from the darkening star.

-emanuel litvinoff

wow you must have alot of life to get writing like this

and your right its not the same at all

on Apr. 3 2010 at 7:54 pm
aliveonink GOLD, Rochester, Minnesota
10 articles 0 photos 27 comments
wow this is really good!