chances fading | Teen Ink

chances fading

January 30, 2010
By xDarkxPixiex GOLD, Edmunds Twp., Maine
xDarkxPixiex GOLD, Edmunds Twp., Maine
18 articles 4 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
You don't stop laughing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop laughing. and
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there's footprints on the moon. and
Sometimes the heart does things for reasons that reason cannot understand.

{verse A}
I'm throwing away pictures that i
never should have taken in the first place
and its cold inside my oom as i change
all the colors from the brightest reds to greys
well its three o-clock on monday morning
I'm just hoping your not seeing a crying face
it seems like i'm going throught the same
things again and again your gone without a trace

I've been through all of this before
I'm barely holding on
Trying to keep my mind from breaking
and theres never a happy ending
because when i hear your voice inside i cry
While i watch my chances fading

{verse B}
I'm stiiting here alone wishing i could
look into your eyes
to tell you that my feelings
for you will never die
i can only say this once
so please listen closely
i need you to undersatnd
that you ask to much of me


{bidge going into solo}
I'm tired of sitting in a puddle of tears
but i cant stand up and leave
because your hearts chains and shackles
are holding me making my heart bleed

(instrumental solo)

{vocal fill}
i can only say this once
so please listen closely
i need you to understand
that you ask too much of me


*sing in almost a whisper
when i hear your voice, inside i die
because i'm watching my chances fading

The author's comments:
This is a song that my friend wrote. It is completely his work and i give all credit to David M. He wanted me to post this because it is amazing!!! and wanted to know what others think. I really hope that this gets posted because he wants some feedback! thanks!!

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