Phantom | Teen Ink


May 7, 2010
By ElijahN PLATINUM, Livonia, Michigan
ElijahN PLATINUM, Livonia, Michigan
31 articles 0 photos 150 comments

Favorite Quote:
"only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything."-Tyler Durdan -Fight Club-

Are you my savior,
Come to check my behavior?
Are you my lover?
Are you my keeper?
My reaper?

Beneath warm cover lies cold and still,
My caring.
You say I'm daring,
I'm just enlightened,
You say you're frightened,
I would laugh if I could.

I hide my face behind a mask,
An alias,
A phantom to the world.

Don't love me,
Don't try to save me,
Don't propose to me,
On bended knee,
There is no glee in what you want,
My soul, you'll haunt.
My soul, you'll haunt.

You want to stare into my eyes,
But all you see is shadow in the eyes of the mask,
I would cry if I could.

Beneath warm cover lies cold and still,
My caring.
You say I'm daring,
I'm just enlightened,
You say you're frightened,
I would comfort you if I cared.

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This article has 4 comments.

on May. 30 2010 at 1:18 pm
ElijahN PLATINUM, Livonia, Michigan
31 articles 0 photos 150 comments

Favorite Quote:
"only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything."-Tyler Durdan -Fight Club-

thanks, katie. i've got like 5 more pieces pending.

on May. 30 2010 at 12:33 pm
once_a_redhead SILVER, Lady Lake, Florida
9 articles 0 photos 114 comments

Favorite Quote:
"love is somethin' we all feel even if we don't know that we do!!"

i love this!!!

on May. 30 2010 at 12:23 pm
ElijahN PLATINUM, Livonia, Michigan
31 articles 0 photos 150 comments

Favorite Quote:
"only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything."-Tyler Durdan -Fight Club-

thank you.

DaniW PLATINUM said...
on May. 30 2010 at 9:11 am
DaniW PLATINUM, New Bern, North Carolina
29 articles 1 photo 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.
By Elisabeth Kuebler-Ross

Wow... i really love this