You left me alone | Teen Ink

You left me alone

December 14, 2011
By CodySimpson BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
CodySimpson BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Sing like you are the only one who can hear, dance like there s nobody watching."

Verse 1
Your eyes shined when you looked at me
You thought I was the one for you
You looked at me like you were a little kid in a candy store
You thought of me as the very very best
But you lied
Ya ya Ohhhhhhhh

You left me alone
You left me on that fateful day
You left me standing in the rain
You left me there all alone

Verse 2
You called me a beautiful angel from above
You told me you would never let me go
But then you did you let me go-o oh
You said I was your baby
The one you wanted to be with
Your eyes were sincere
I would have never guessed you were lying

You left me alone
You left me on that fateful day
You left me standing in the rain
You left me alone

10 Bars

Verse 3 Come one why did you do that to me
Ya ya ya ya yaaaaaa
Come on baby you said you didn’t mean it but I saw
You there with her ya you

You left me alone
You left me there on that fateful day
You left me standing in the rain
You left me alone

The author's comments:
It is a peice about a hard breakup.

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