Our Messed Up Ways | Teen Ink

Our Messed Up Ways

April 1, 2012
By Calidaaw GOLD, Bournemouth, Other
Calidaaw GOLD, Bournemouth, Other
11 articles 3 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everyone is a genious, but if you jugde a fish on its ability to climb trees, it will live its whole life thinking it's stupid
~Albert Einstein

Verse 1: I’ve heard more than enough
I’m beyond expecting things to change
I’ve seen way too much
Sadness has become our specified range

Chorus: Me, myself and I and our messed up ways
That’s how I’ve made it through all these days
We are happy being unhappy
We are comfortable in the dirt
We expect the worst so we never get hurt
No disappointment, no tears and no good byes
When I’m with my three best friends me, myself and I

Verse 2: Hope was a friend who showed me life can be fair
But I went astray and ran into my new friend despair
The world seemed like a scarier place with him beside me
But at least I’ll always have my three best friends to confide in

Chorus: Me, myself and I and our messed up ways
That’s how I’ve made it through all these days
We are happy being unhappy
We are comfortable in the dirt
We expect the worst so we never get hurt
No disappointment, no tears and no good byes
When I’m with my three best friends me, myself and I
Bridge: It’s me, myself and I there’s no room for anymore
We wouldn’t want to drag you into our war
I’m grateful for your attempts to get us out of our messed up ways
But the truth is this is our comfort zone and we refuse to change

Chorus: Me, myself and I and our messed up ways
That’s how I’ve made it through all these days
We are happy being unhappy
We are comfortable in the dirt
We expect the worst so we never get hurt
No disappointment, no tears and no good byes
When I’m with my three best friends me, myself and I

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