Bloodred Rain | Teen Ink

Bloodred Rain

March 16, 2013
By MassHysteria BRONZE, Uniontown, Pennsylvania
MassHysteria BRONZE, Uniontown, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Here comes trouble<br /> The uninvited<br /> This brutal love&quot;- Green Day

Bring her home again
She's far from your eyes
Taken from you sentient minds

Behind the darkness
Lies the way to find
The way you'll risk everything
To find she's alive

Sacrifice it all
Save her before it's too late
Don't give in now
So close but she's so far away
The sister of yours awaits
For you to save her from this nightmare

She's been waiting
For you to bring her back
Hiding the secrets she knows of the last
They took her away from you
They won't let her go
Take her away and lead her far beyond
Far beyond the eyes searching for all of you

the fate of the world lies in your hands
Remember the memories inside
There's nothing left to hide

Sacrifice it all
Can you save her before it's too late
Don't falter now
So close but she's so far away
The sister of yours awaits
to see you're alive after this nightmare

The author's comments:
This was inspired by the bond that brother and sister Rush and Irina Sykes shared in the Last Remnant.

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