shameless | Teen Ink


June 7, 2013
By PRETTYBRI27 SILVER, Kansas City, Missouri
PRETTYBRI27 SILVER, Kansas City, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's not where you come from, it's where you are going to

A new age of the people

A new form of the hate

The new talk of the streets

No respect if your gay

The love is unnatural

its only good if your straight

No marriage of the same sex

Only your opposite you should date

Don't bring in your religion

Saying their all going to hell

I say they deserve their rights too

and I'm a Christian as well

Who told us we can judge

I thought God makes that decision

We have no right change it

or come up with his vision

Using the word as an insult

so the fact burns inside the soul

A man would rather kill himself

than to let his emotion flow

This truth is becoming a problem

We simply choose to ignore

If we won't fight for human right

What can we fight for

Just as the blacks marched

and fought to oppress their pain

The gay should keep his head up

and walk feeling no shame

The author's comments:
This is for gay pride

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