Wishing (song 2) | Teen Ink

Wishing (song 2)

October 2, 2013
By faithwalker_1796 GOLD, Webb City, Missouri
faithwalker_1796 GOLD, Webb City, Missouri
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"everyday is a new day"- 100 years
"day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what's done is done. Embrace your dreams through the night. Tomorrow come with a whole new light"-Unknow

If I was granted a wish...a wish
What would I do?
What could a wish do for me?
If a wish was true..
I would love...love

A single star pick me
The options are endless
But if I granted a wish
I would pick you

You are like a star to me...to me
And I would love you, light years away

You are my only star
My only wish
My only truth

I can see your brightness through the midnight
You guide me out of the darkness
Warming me up with your shine...your shine

We share constellations through our short time, we spend
When the sun rises
The painful rays separate us
But night will come!
And I’ll wish on my only star!

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