Comment | Teen Ink


December 30, 2014
By Lyre7 BRONZE, Mclean, Virginia
Lyre7 BRONZE, Mclean, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I go online and read about someone sharing their story,
saying where've they've been, the places they've seen, telling everyone to follow their dreams.
And I scroll down expecting to see applause, congratulating them for beating the odds.
A cohort of supporters fighting for the cause
But no
It's a shoot-out of back-shouts,
saying you don't really know what it's about.
You ain't had it like I did,
abused by your mother, cheated by your brother, hated on by your own kid!
No, you ain't come from where I've been
You don't know what it's like to really be in.
You ain't got it bad, you got it good.
Well if I could then I would
and I should of said:
Let's not squabble over the rain,
everybody's standin' gettin' soaked.
Let's not turn empathy into a game,
'cuz if it's the same love, then it's the same pain.
And it's plain, that you're hiding your name behind that screen
I don't really know you and you don't really know me.
But let's put our pasts behind and appreciate the fact,
that somebody was brave enough to speak and to act.
I've never come from an alcoholic family,
I've never met someone who's gonna rape me,
But we've all been down the same path, felt the same dark,
A flood's gonna pull us under, so let's build an ark.
I'll work to save you if you work to save me
We all suffer the same, cry the same, bleed the same and hide the same truth
Together let's sail the same sea that we've always knew

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on Jan. 9 2015 at 9:43 pm
rosevomit BRONZE, Cornish, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Marijuana is bad." -Adults

ive felt this way so much