The Second House on the Right | Teen Ink

The Second House on the Right

February 6, 2015
By Yellick SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Yellick SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never let school get in the way of your education.

I am from the second house on the right of a wooded street,
       and the Eagle River resort up north, where our friends meet,
I am from the seasoned chicken my father grilled every Sunday night,
       and the comforting words from my mom when I broke my arm, “it’s gonna be all right”.

I’m from a family that has been separated,
     and the hour-car-rides back and forth, that I hated.
I’m from the mile walks down to the lake, I enjoyed,
     and spending afternoons playing tag with the boys.

I am from Bil-bar farms, where I tended the horses,
     and attended Arrowhead, where I chose my courses.
I am from the sugary beverage, known as Coke,
     and climbing trees with my brothers, known as oaks.

I’m from Monday nights, where I go and pray,
     because sleeping-in is what I do on Sunday,
I’m from the newest branch on the end of an old tree,
     because I am the youngest brother of three.

I am from Legos, Bionicles, and Dragon Ball Z,
     to building giant snowmen, being cold as can be.
I am from fishing trips with my dad, using shiny lures,
     to tailgating at Miller Park, being the biggest fan of the Brewers.

I’m from 5th grade, traveling to Camp Minikani,
     and going to Summerfest with my friends Ian, Jake and Thony.
I’m from dressing up as Barney on Halloween, to trick-or-treat,
     and forever from the second house on the right of our wooded street.

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