What's it Like? | Teen Ink

What's it Like?

April 22, 2015
By NeverStopTrying SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
NeverStopTrying SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Unless a person like you cares a whole awful lot it's not going to get better, it's not. -Dr. Seuss

What's it like, having the weight of the world on your shoulders?
Getting through life, dodging the boulders.
What's it like, to only grow older?
To be the summer wind, as it gets colder.

What's it like to not know death?
To be afraid of what's coming next.
What's it like to lose right and left?
To just want to lay down to rest.

What's it like to only see dark?
But to hear the sound of angles, hark.
What's it like, to be a flightless lark?
To be one not saved on Noah's Ark.

What's it like to not be a part?
To know life is sweet, but oh so tart.
What's it like to have the part with,
the one you love, with all your heart?

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