Somalia | Teen Ink


May 11, 2015
By J.Friedman BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
J.Friedman BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So long, and thanks for all the fish" -Douglas Adams

I was one day just twirling around
Thinking of my thoughts on the ideal state
I realized those hounds that govern my town
Care of nothing but their economic estates
This is a fact that makes me frown

But then I thought of that place
Where my ideals would seem to be less abate
Where people have their breathing space
Where everyday one sees the beauty of a Somali’s face
I’d like to go to that place

And… That… Place… Is  

The Federal Republic of…
Somalialiali-oxen free, yeah
Free from the horrors of democracy
And autocracy
And a theocracy that tries to legitimize the hypocrisy
Of some fake deity with some prophecy
Oh, I spit in that god’s face
So let me leave without a trace
To go life my life in Somalia

Now come on girl let’s play in Puntland
We can do what we want now, even that
I know deep down you want to hear some big band
Without having to worry about getting caught in the act

We can do that here
So have thou no fears
Al-Shabaab may cut off our ears
But well be safe for at least half a year
So let’s relax with absinth and an Everclear

We’ll.. be… at home… in

The Federal Republic of…
Somalialiali-oxen free, yeah
Free from the horrors of democracy
And autocracy
And a theocracy that tries to legitimize the hypocrisy
Of some fake deity with some prophecy
Oh, I spit in that god’s face
So let’s leave without a trace
To go life our life in Somalia

Oh, the folks on the plane ride will cry and say
“Moving to Somalia is the dumbest thing I’ve heard all day”
And you’ll shout at them that it’s better than LA
Then they scream “your rhoric is sound and you can have my cafe au lait

Somalialiali-oxen free, yeah
Free from the horrors of democracy
And autocracy
And a theocracy that tries to legitimize the hypocrisy
Of some fake deity with some prophecy
Oh, I spit in that god’s face
So you should leave without a trace
To go life your life in Somalia

Hail to that blue and white!


The author's comments:

I've long been entranced by the idea of being an expatriate. However, while it may be neat for an American to live abroad in France or Australia, there is a sort of mythical status that comes with choosing to live in the rough and tumble Horn of Africa. It is well known that Somalia is a rather tough place to live, and therefore any westerners living it up in Mogadishu should be commemorated. This song is sopposed to do that. Dylan, Bowie, and Zappa are my largest lyrical inspirations here.


For context, Puntland is an autonomus region in northeastern Somalia and Al-Shabaab is a notorious Somali terrorist group.

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