Generous Earth | Teen Ink

Generous Earth

December 11, 2018
By fatimahalazzawi BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
fatimahalazzawi BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Many humans are naturally good
Whether at business or having fun,
All treat Earth wisely; because they should.
Some satisfied with harm they’ve begun.

Killing Earth’s animals; sparing none
using meshes, traps, and sometimes a gun.

This planet is our momentary home
it's the great heaven that holds us all,
down to every gene and ribosome.
In wasting Earth’s kindness we think small.
Our works will lead us to our own downfall
rains peacefully then turns to a squall.

We’re a portion of a growing web
Tug a string and it starts to separate.
Until the soil that feeds us always wastes.
We possess big brains but bigger hearts.
And some are climbing up to do their parts

although that does not make a difference.

Specialists speak of colonizing Mars.
Earth is out of breath from fume quaffing cars.

The author's comments:

My name is Fatimah. I am from Iraq; my family and I moved to the United States two years ago. 

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