Help me to understand | Teen Ink

Help me to understand

October 15, 2009
By Lixxy_93 DIAMOND, Westminster, California
Lixxy_93 DIAMOND, Westminster, California
53 articles 0 photos 52 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you have them, flaunt them" -Circle of Friends

"may the saddest day of the future be no worse then the happiest day of your past" -irish blessing

If male homosexuals are called "gay," then female homosexuals should be called "ecstatic."

I dont know what people expect of me
But I know its not how I want to be seen
Things change but people cant move on
Please tell me, what did I do wrong
I'll be here waiting when you are ready to explain
I promise, whatever it is, I wont complain
I'll be here til the dawn breaks and all things start new
I just hope that includes what happened between me and you

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