Our Own Mistakes | Teen Ink

Our Own Mistakes

July 11, 2013
By Rachel15 SILVER, Ambler, Pennsylvania
Rachel15 SILVER, Ambler, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Who are we to hold at the end of the world
An ending of our own making
All of our unliving lives becoming unfurled
As we slowly feel ourselves breaking
A thousand words all meaning nothing
And the darkness becomes the longest day
So many lives just a distant passing
We listen but never hear what they say
Or take a moment to hear the laughing
Its precious time we are always wasting
Unneeded things we’re always amassing
Going over lines of those already tracing
All we can do is to rise above
And hope we are not disposed of

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This article has 1 comment.

Barbara said...
on Jul. 16 2013 at 9:27 pm
Darkly beautiful and haunting!  Would love to read more from Rachel15!