The Promise Between the Two Passports | Teen Ink

The Promise Between the Two Passports

January 30, 2015
By bakaneko03 BRONZE, Manhasset, New York
bakaneko03 BRONZE, Manhasset, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm not what I am"

The vivid mountain green and the blue sea,

how could I dare forget this peaceful scene?

While now in this pale ghostly plain I see,

I want to hide and lie that nothing seen.

Remember that day, between two passports,

I close both of my eyes and keep head low.

With Mom's tender voice and Dad's calm supports,

my tears cross silently in the shadow.

Across the Pacific and here I stand,

rolling in the deep and I still survive.

Years, never stop searching and understand

how could I stay with my tears never dry?

My heart will always be with you, Taiwan.

I'll back to the Promised Land with smiles on.

The author's comments:

A sonnet for my home land, Taiwan!

Welcome to Taiwan XDD

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