A Raging Phenomenon | Teen Ink

A Raging Phenomenon

March 17, 2015
By VicSypniewski GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
VicSypniewski GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You blew through town as a ranging storm;
A hurricane that demolished my exterior with a single blow.
With heavy hopes I wished for a future of you keeping me warm,
My nights now are spent alone as I unexpectedly got left in the snow.
Subtlety was never a your strong suit
More often than not you shamed me for my lack of sureness.
You were better off as the muse and I, the mute.
I soon discovered that after the storm I lost that pureness.
A downpour upon the drought of my emotions,
The whirlwind that blew the nails off my interior.
All I had wished was pure devotion;
However in comparison to your world I’m inferior.
And yet, even with a warning I remain still;
I would encounter storms like you any day on my free will.

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