Soldiers Of War | Teen Ink

Soldiers Of War

November 24, 2015
By JudyHa BRONZE, Great Neck, New York
JudyHa BRONZE, Great Neck, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Into a place of death and sorrow, bare
Distraught hands tremble stiffly in the dark
Against the broken tank. Small bullets dare
Ricochet; bright bloods overflow and mark

Apparent to all, Death awaits in hope;
Yet, fury and loss fuel them to cheat
A rain of doom falls down and looks to choke
The last of breath before peace settles deep

In solemn times, with one last puff of smoke
And one last swig of whiskey; they embrace
Their end with rueful sadness and evoke
The pangs of pain and grief. To wish for grace,

For their deeds could not save them from the brim,
But only from above can He redeem.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by a war movie, Fury, where I was able to see through the eyes of soldiers beaten by war. These soldiers were blunt with life. They knew Death was waiting for them. They fought and lived and died. I hope this sonnet conveys the grim future of soldiers caught up in war.  

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