To Love Pain | Teen Ink

To Love Pain

January 5, 2016
By Elle-Harriet-Silver BRONZE, Las Piñas City, Other
Elle-Harriet-Silver BRONZE, Las Piñas City, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here. - Max Ehrmann

Oh, what joy it feels to be in sadness.

There is delight to be in misery.
With this pain, I could get back in harness.
Lost emotions bring creativity.
A broken heart is a dynamic mind.
Melancholy it greatly is to write
Because, honestly, happiness is blind.
With these states, forever it will be night.
But then, how will I gain such worthy friends
When I’m defined to be a masochist?
There is no way to have self-confidence
When, one way, I am an antagonist.
So, I think, I must learn to draw a smile
That will last even just for a short while.

The author's comments:

There are times when we believe we deserve to be in pain and we tend to drown in its vortex and cling to it by telling ourselves that being in pain is being real to ourselves. But if one must feel such pain, one must also welcome happiness in one's life to balance the bad from the good.

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