Forgotten | Teen Ink


February 7, 2016
By ariel.lucille97 BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
ariel.lucille97 BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Without you by my side I feel lost.
Broken, empty and insecure.
You know I’d keep you at any cost.
I was a sickness, your love was the cure.
Now all of that is forgotten and falling apart.
You’ll always be the one for me,
No one else can steal my heart.
You have the pass, you have the key.
You’re so far gone, you don’t answer your phone.
Our love was a privilege but we abused it.
I’m always wondering when you’re coming home.
What do we do when we lose it?
I swear I’m invisible cause you never see me.
Do you even remember what we used to be?

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