Star lit sonnet | Teen Ink

Star lit sonnet

March 25, 2016
By Karunala BRONZE, Lexington, Massachusetts
Karunala BRONZE, Lexington, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At night, we ponder the deepest of thought
The mold that we form, mistakes that we made
The ideas that flow around me they trot
I barter with sleep trade darkness to fade
so simple are we to think such a thing
when we are so small in mind but not body
But hear the promise of that when you cling
to hopes and dreams, we all are somebody
The darkness of thought we must not regard
To know not joy as yours, but another
We start a future marbled and starred
with cares of sweet babes and their mother
    Now rise from thy slumber darkness in trail
    For time is in motion, constant no fail

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