The Game | Teen Ink

The Game

March 18, 2016
By Markay BRONZE, Welford, South Carolina
Markay BRONZE, Welford, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many take soccer seriously, I play for fun.
It’s a great sport with lots of good games.
They train until they can not feel a ton.
Kicking with all their might they saw the fame.

Their determination could never fail.
We’re nothing but warriors fighting to win.
The fierce in their eyes made them want to bail.
At the end we walked like a triumph and with grins.

It may be lots of fun but know it’s not easy.
A team can break and argue till there is no team.
Time is a sacrifice and can be uneasy.
It's a big stress but wake up it's a dream.

You’ll never make it unless you dedicate.
Keep moving forward and accelerate.

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