Olive Garden | Teen Ink

Olive Garden

December 19, 2018
By Writergirl839 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Writergirl839 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Our large party of ten, entering through the elegant doors of the Italian restaurant, Olive Garden for our family luncheon.  We walk in and immediately smell the fresh baked breadsticks. The smell fills our nose and we all begin to drool.

There were 10 of us and there was absolutely no wait on the Saturday evening at about 4:00.  I followed the hostess over to our table and all sat down at one large table, perfect for us.  I ordered my drink and she came back with it, and the other nine of them, correctly. Not to mention, she brought back salad and breadsticks for us too right away.  The classic breadsticks that the restaurant is known for. The warm and soft bread, basically melting in my mouth. She went above and beyond to make sure that we had all we needed and get to know us personally.  

Now, it was time for us to order our food.  All ten of us, and ten different entrees. After an exceedingly short wait of only about a minute, all of our food came out and she got it all correct which is rare with a table so big as ours.  My food was the perfect temperature too. The cheesy and creamy alfredo noodles that I ordered made my taste buds jump with joy because the meal was so delicious. To be exact, it was the fettuccine alfredo and it was only 12.99!  I even had enough to take home for lunch the next day. Everyone else said their food was exceptionally tasteful and just the way they ordered it. For example, my sister ordered noodles without sauce and added chicken, and it came out just that way.  Also, there were some new menu options such as chicken parmesan but on a sandwich.The best part of the visit was the waitress.  She was phenomenal and beyond friendly. She knew everything about the menu and didn’t mess anything up.  She had the most joyous attitude and even tried personally connecting with us. She made our experience even better and accommodated us perfectly.  

I would suggest Olive Garden to anyone that wants a wonderful Italian meal and wants a place with good service too.  Most large Italian restaurants have long waits and outrageous prices, such as Bravo or Carrabba's, but not Olive Garden.  Little to no wait and small prices with large amounts of food is what makes Olive Garden the place to go!

The author's comments:

Italian restaurants are my favorite place to go, so here is a review on one of my favorites. 

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