Rock n' Bowl Experience | Teen Ink

Rock n' Bowl Experience

April 17, 2019
By oliviazietlow BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
oliviazietlow BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sussex Bowl is a place to have fun and enjoy time with your friends and family. A few times a month my friends and I go to Rock n’ Roll bowl, which is on Friday and Saturday nights 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Rock n’ Roll bowl is such a fun environment because of the upbeat music and bowling with the lights off is way more fun. It is a place to meet and see friends, I do think that Rock n’ Roll Bowl appeals more for teenagers and younger adults because of the fact that it's late at night. The bowling alley itself is also very well kept and doesn’t look dirty.

The price of Rock n’ Roll Bowl is cheap ($7) for two hours of bowing which is also something that is very appealing to teenagers because we like low priced things we can do with our friends. I was flabbergasted at how cheap it was considering the shoes are included in the seven dollars that you pay to bowl. Since it is only two nights a week it does get very crowded at 10 p.m., but as it gets later in the night around 11-11:30 p.m. the lanes do start to clear out a little bit. Sussex Bowl is located in a good area because there are many fast food restaurants just minutes from the alley, such as Culver's, Taco Bell and Mcdonalds.

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