Who Killed Hae Min Lee | Teen Ink

Who Killed Hae Min Lee

June 4, 2019
By jannet8fernandez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
jannet8fernandez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In 1999, a young Korean-American named Hae Min Lee went missing in Baltimore. After a few days, her body was found in a park (leakin) it had been buried, she was strangled to death.  Her ex-boyfriend named Adnan Syed who is was football player at Baltimore County High School was considered a suspect after an investigation was made. After the investigation he was being charged with her murder, kidnapping he was then convicted to prison for life. Till this day he has still maintained his innocence.

The podcast “ Serial “ have followed this mystery case, by Sarah Koenig who is a journalist and a author. The podcast started in 2014, and ever since then, it had been blown up across the internet the story entered the popularity on the podcast with more than 100 million people downloaded the series, which helped the podcast into mainstream because it followed up on long-dormant leads rechecks alibis ,and questions assumptions and people had been obsessing over trying to solve the case themselves.

 In the podcast Sarah had been looking at an old murder case that had happened in 1999 Koenig have been talking to adnan over the prison phone and recording their conversation for evidence about the whole case, she had been looking through old evidence for the podcast she interviewed is of people who knew Hae and Adnan also the korean community alongside the muslim community blas against Syed and new persons is introduced each of the episode who has some kind of involvement with the case  .


Sarah checked phone records, listened to old suspect interviews, gone over every single details she had presented of what she found, serial opened up the real-life story like this one with many details, high-end style it had a mixture of mystery which had people with their mouth opened the case provided endept mood, from emotions sympathy,muniauction, empathy, diary entries and phone calls. It turned out to be so compelling to a large group of listeners.The listeners are left hanging at the end of each episode as Koenig teases with the information that she reveals on the next episode. The listeners follow along as Koenig reveals what information she has discover.

If you are murder mystery fan or who simply likes to solve mysteries like me, Serial is the podcast for you to listen

The author's comments:

This is an podcast i listen in my my junior year 2019, this gives you a sneek peek of what it talks about 

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