Meal Of a Lifetime | Teen Ink

Meal Of a Lifetime

May 28, 2024
By ts-industries GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
ts-industries GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Where are we going for dinner Mom?” I inquire, basking in the sun by the pool on our Florida vacation.

“We are meeting up with everyone and going to the Lorelei together, honey”

I feel my whole body perk up, my heightened like those of an apex predator on the hunt for some delicious snow crab. “I am not exaggerating when I say I CANNOT wait.”

On the car ride to the restaurant I am left to contend for foot room with my brothers. They are pigs rolling around in the backseat that they make their sty.

“My legs are going numb” pleads Finley, my younger brother

“We are almost there darling don’t worry.”

As the car finds its resting place in the parking spot in the back of the lot, we pile out and into the overpowering Florida heat. We make our way to the hostess stand, as the scents wandering from the kitchen start calling my name.

“Follow me folks, your table is right this way.”

As we arrange ourselves into the clumsy plastic chairs that reside on top of the sandy ground, I insist that we put our order in right away to receive our food as soon as possible. Everyone has made their mundane choices and so the waiter finally makes his way to me, so that I can submit the most important order of my year. 

“I would like an order of the steamed snow crab with extra butter sauce, a side of fries and a Pepsi to drink please.”

“I will get this order put in right away” he chimes, retreating back into the kitchen to punch in the order and get our drinks.

The anticipation inside of me has now reached its limit, as I feel like a soda that has been shaken for days on end. I am restless until finally I see it, a tray making its way towards us with all of the right dishes to be our order. Our waiter places my crab in front of me, and I am nearly brought to tears by the delicious scent.

“I am once again reminded why this dish is always the highlight of my trip.”

The author's comments:

Me and my family go down to florida frequently and Lorelei is a restaurant we frequent due to their delectable snow crab. This piece is attempting to convey they joy of that yearly meal.

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