My Favorite year | Teen Ink

My Favorite year

May 27, 2009
By Anonymous

In the play, My favorite year, Benji Stone is a young man who just wants his gigs to be played on the biggest comedy show in Hollywood. The play is filled with comedy and sadness. It is a play of a dream just waiting to come true and you see it coming true before your eyes. I thought it was a very well put together play because the storyline was complex but it kept you in suspense and on the edge of your seat. It was very unpredictable play and I enjoyed it very much.

Furthermore, this play I would most definitely recommend because you will be very satisfied with it and you will want to see it over and over again. I have been to many plays and most of them were quite boring. This play kept me awake during the whole time and I was just wondering what will happen next. Also, all of the parts were performed tremendously. I honestly believed that I was at a professional play because I was in shock of how well, my peers that I see everyday, performed this play. It was outstanding. I am proud to be a part of this hig school because of how great the play was. I loved this play and I hope everybody goes to see it as soon a possible.

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